Saturday, January 25, 2020
Concrete Stitches In Segmental Prestressed Concrete Bridges
Concrete Stitches In Segmental Prestressed Concrete Bridges The in-situ concrete stitches of a segmental prestressed concrete bridge are locations of potential weakness for the entire bridge deck but relatively little work has been carried out in this area. In the current practice, these in-situ stitches are usually designed to be capable of sustaining considerable sagging moment but only minimal hogging moment. Therefore, failure of these joints is possible under exceptional circumstances when the hogging moment is high, which may potentially trigger a progressive collapse. In the light of this, an extensive experimental study on the structural behaviour of the in-situ concrete stitch under different combinations of parameters has been carried out. Two types of specimens are tested in the study, namely the beam specimens and the shear specimens, which both consist of two precast units joined together by in-situ concrete stitch of variable widths. The beam specimens are internally prestressed and subject to different combinations of bending m oment, shear, and prestressing force; while the shear specimens are either internally or externally prestressed and subject to direct shear only. Shear keys are provided to the stitch of several shear specimens to examine the contribution of the keys to the shear strength. The effects of various parameters on the strength of the stitch and ductility of the specimens are investigated. Detailed coverage on the experimental programme and the results of the experimental analyses are presented in this paper. KEYWORDS Experimental study, joints, prestressed concrete, segmental bridges, in-situ stitches. INTRODUCTION Precast segmental concrete bridges have gained popularity over the past 40 years due to their efficiency in coping with difficult site conditions. One of the most commonly used method of constructing this type of bridges is the balanced cantilever method, which essentially involves sequentially extending precast segments outwards from each pier in a balanced manner. A gap of 100 to 200 mm in width is usually provided around the mid-span location between the last two approaching segments to facilitate erection. In-situ concrete is then cast to stitch the segments together, thus making the bridge deck continuous. Under the current practice, the in-situ concrete stitches are usually designed to be capable of sustaining considerable sagging moment but its hogging moment capacity and shear resistance are only nominal. Failure of these joints can only occur under exceptional scenarios when hogging moment is high. However if it really occurs, this could potentially trigger a progressive collapse mechanism because the concrete stitches are locations of potential weakness. Studies on the joints of segmental bridges have been conducted in the past (Buyukozturk et al., 1990; Hewson, 1992; Zhou et al., 2005; Issa and Abdalla, 2007) but the joints studied are either dry or epoxy joints that exists between precast segments and not the in-situ concrete stitching joint that is of interest. As relatively little research work on this area has been conducted, understanding of the actual behaviour of in-situ stitches is limited. In the light of this, an extensive experimental study has been carried out to investigate the behaviour of the in-situ concrete stitches. The study mainly involves a series of loading test on specimens that are comprised of precast units connected by in-situ concrete stitches. The stitch is subjected to different combinations of internal forces by applying loading at different locations along the specimen. Various parameters of the specimens are varied to examine their effect on the strength of the in-situ stitch and its failure mode. These parameters include the width of the stitch, the grade of concrete, the prestressing force, the provision of shear keys, the type of tendon (bonded or unbonded) and the type of prestressing (external or internal). Although the experimental programme is still ongoing, based on the analysis of the current experimental results, several preliminary conclusions have been drawn and are presented in this paper. The experimental programme is also covered i n detail in this paper. TESTING PROGRAMME The experimental study involves load testing on two types of specimens, namely (i) the beam specimens, and (ii) the shear specimens. The beam specimens are used to study the behaviour of the in-situ concrete stitches subjected to different combinations of bending moment and shear, while the shear specimens are used to study the behaviour of the stitches under direct shear. Both the beam and shear specimens consist of two precast units joined together by the in-situ concrete stitches. Control beam specimens have also been fabricated where the entire beam is continuously cast without any stitch along the beam. Typically, the stitch is cast one week after the casting of the precast units. Loading test on the specimens is performed using a testing frame after 28 days from the day of casting of the stitch. Linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs) are mounted on the specimens at various locations of interest to measure the displacements at these locations. Configuration of the Beam Specimens The length of the beam specimen is 1400 mm with the in-situ concrete stitch at either the mid-span of the beam or offset from the mid-span depending on the internal force that the stitch is subjected to. An actual beam specimen is illustrated in Figure 1. Three cases of internal force at the stitch are examined, namely (i) pure bending moment, (ii) pure shear, and (iii) both moment and shear. The loading test setup to induce the three cases of internal force condition is illustrated in Figure 2. Tendon (a) Case of pure bending moment (b) Case of pure shear (c) Case of moment and shear The section of the beam has an overall depth of 200 mm and a width of 150 mm. A 7-wire steel strand with a nominal area of 100 mm2 is used as the prestressing tendon. The tendon is placed at a depth of 133 mm for Case (i) and Case (ii), and 100 mm for Case (iii). For all beam specimens, Grade 60 concrete is used for both the precast units and the stitch. No shear key is provided to the stitch. Unbonded tendon with an effective prestressing force of 100 kN is applied to all beam specimens. Since the precast units and the in-situ concrete stitch are cast at different time, construction joints exist in the specimen. Prior to casting the in-situ concrete stitch, the laitance at the construction joint area on the surface of the precast unit is removed and the area is roughened by a needle gun until the aggregates are exposed. The construction joint is then wetted for at least 12 hours before casting by laying towels that are completely saturated with water over the joint area. Configuration of the Shear Specimens The shear specimens consist of two L-shaped precast units with the in-situ concrete stitch joining the two units as illustrated in Figure 3. The out-of-plane dimension of the specimen is 200 mm. The specimens are either made of Grade 60 or Grade 45 concrete and both the precast units and the stitch are made of the same grade of concrete. The stitch is subject to a prestress of either 1 MPa or 5 MPa, and stitch widths of 100 mm and 200 mm are examined. The shear specimens are designed in such a way that they are capable of simulating the shear behaviour of box girders of different web configurations. The web of a box girder may or may not be provided with shear keys and some parts of the web may or may not have prestressing tendon running through. Therefore, the specimens are either internally prestressed by bonded tendon or externally prestressed by a clamping device to provide the prestressing force acting on the stitch, while the stitch is either plain or provided with shear keys. For those specimens with shear keys, either one large key with a depth of 50 mm or two smaller keys with a depth of 30 mm are provided. Examples of an externally prestressed specimen with two shear keys and an internally prestressed specimen without shear key are illustrated in Figures 3(a) and 3(b) respectively. For the case where the specimen is internally prestressed, a 7-wire steel strand is used. Prior to casting of the stitch, light roughening is provided at the construction joint area on the precast units to remove the laitance. Similar to the beam specimens, the joint area is wetted for at least 12 hours before casting the stitch. (a) Stitch with shear keys; externally prestressed (b) Stitch without shear key; internally prestressed Figure 4. Examples of setup for shear specimen RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Beam Specimens The load-displacement relationships of the beam specimens tested are plotted in Figures 5(a), 5(b) and 5(c) for the case of the in-situ concrete stitch subjected to pure bending moment (Case (i)), pure shear (Case (ii)), and a combination of moment and shear (Case (iii)), respectively. For the specimens of Cases (b) and (c), only the results of the specimens with 50 mm stitch and 100 mm stitch are available to date. Ductile behaviour is observed for the beam specimens of Case (i). Opening of the construction joints occurs at a load of between 70 kN and 80 kN, while the final mode of failure is concrete crushing in the compression zone at mid-span, as illustrated in Figure 6(a). From Figure 5(a), it is evident that the peak strength of the specimens without stitch (i.e. the control specimen) and those with stitch are approximately the same. The difference in the peak strength between the specimen with a 50 mm stitch and that with a 100 mm stitch is marginal. When the stitch is subject to pure shear, the behaviour of the specimen is brittle. As the peak strength is reached, a large diagonal crack suddenly forms across the stitch (Figure 6(b)) and the strength drops abruptly. It can be seen from Figure 5(b) that regardless of the size of the stitch, the peak strengths of the specimens are nearly the same. (a) Case (i) (b) Case (ii) (c) Case (iii) From Figure 5(c), it is evident that the behaviour of the specimens of Case (c) is ductile. Failure of the specimens is localized at the point of loading where there is significant cracking and crushing of concrete; while at the stitch, slight opening of the construction joint is observed and several diagonal cracks are found propagating from the construction joint towards the point of loading. The condition of the beam at failure is illustrated in Figure 6(c). For the specimen with a 50 mm stitch, the peak strength is approximately 100 kN, while that for the specimen with a 100 mm stitch is approximately 110 kN. The peak strengths of the two specimens are relatively close to each other. The results suggest that the width of the stitch has minimal effect on the strength of the stitch within the maximum width of stitch studied. The ductility of the specimens is also not affected by the width of the stitch but rather by how the specimen is loaded. (a) Case (i) (b) Case (ii) (c) Case (iii) Shear Specimens The load-displacement relationships of the five shear specimens tested are plotted in Figure 7. The shear displacement is the relative vertical displacement between the two precast units. All shear specimens are identified as explained below. Using E-K(M)-100-60-2 as an example, the first field represents the type of prestressing used, with E indicating external prestressing; the second field represents whether the stitch is plain or with shear keys, with K(M) indicating stitch with two shear keys, K(S) indicating stitch with single shear keys, and P indicating plain stitch with no shear key; the third field indicates the width of the stitch in mm; the fourth field indicates the grade of concrete in MPa; and the fifth field indicates the prestress applied to the stitch in MPa. Therefore, a specimen identified as E-K(M)-100-60-2 is composed of Grade 60 concrete with external prestress of 2 MPa applied and two shear keys are provided to the stitch that has a width of 100 mm. The specimens with plain stitch are first discussed. From Figure 7, it can be seen that the behaviour is largely the same for both specimens E-P-100-60-1 and E-P-200-60-1. The peak strengths of the two specimens are between 50 to 60 kN, which once again demonstrates that the width of a plain stitch has little effect on its strength. It is evident that as the prestressing level is increased to 5 MPa (E-P-100-60-5), the peak load-carrying capacity is significantly increased to approximately 220 kN. Therefore, the level of prestressing has marked influence on the load-carrying capacity of the stitch. For specimens with plain stitch, the failure mode is characterized by sudden occurrence of sliding along one or more of the construction joints. Upon failure, the strength of the stitch is mainly contributed by friction from sliding between the surfaces of precast unit and in-situ stitch. As observed from the load-displacement curves, a long smooth plateau is evident in the post peak range for specimens E-P-100-60-1 and E-P-200-60-1, which can be modelled as Coulomb friction. For specimen E-P-100-60-5, the post-peak behaviour as shown in Figure 7 is not as smoothed. Since the prestressing force is substantially higher, the resistance against sliding by the aggregates along the construction joint becomes very large. As the applied load is large enough to overcome that resistance, sudden slippage along the construction joint occurs and the load drops. Subsequently the resistance builds up again and sudden slippage occurs again when the resistance is overcome by the applied load. Therefore the post-peak branch of specimen E-P-100-60-5 has a zig-zag shape. This observation also implies that the roughness of the construction joint should have strong effect on the post-peak strength of plain stitches, which will be examined in due course. Since the post-peak strength of the stitch is mainly contributed by frictional forces, ductility can only be maintained if sufficient pre stressing force is provided. Therefore the presence of adequate prestressing force beyond the peak strength of the stitch is crucial in preventing sudden loss of strength in the stitch. Up to this stage, only two shear specimens with shear keys have been tested. However, the results from the test have already given indication that the behaviour of the stitches with shear keys is quite different from the behaviour of those without shear keys. Upon reaching the peak strength, the stitch of specimen E-K(M)-100-60-1 fails suddenly in a brittle manner by cracking diagonally across the stitch as illustrated in Figure 8 and an abrupt drop in load can be seen in Figure 7. This behaviour is much different from that of the specimens with plain stitches in which the post-peak behaviour is characterized by a long plateau in the load-displacement relationship. This type of stitch has little reserve strength upon reaching the peak load-carrying capacity. No brittle failure is observed for the specimen with one large key and a wider stitch, i.e. specimen E-K(S)-200-60-1. In fact, the specimen was not loaded to failure during the experiment but was stopped at a load of approximately 190 kN because at that load, the prestressing force was increased to a level that had almost reached the capacity of the load cell used to measure the prestressing force. However, at a load of 190 kN, continuous crack had already formed along the construction joint and there was sliding between the precast unit and the stitch along the joint but the stitch still remained intact. From Figure 7, it can be seen that the peak load-carrying capacity of specimens E-K(M)-100-60-2 and E-P-100-60-5 are approximately the same. This observation seems to imply same level of load-carrying capacity can be achieved yet less amount of prestressing can be applied by adding shear keys to the stitch. As aforementioned, there is an increase in prestressing force as load is applied to the specimens with shear keys. This behaviour is caused by dilation in the stitch as the shearing load is applied. Dilation is taken as the displacement between the precast units measured along the horizontal centreline of the stitch. The effect of dilation is much more pronounced for specimens with keyed stitches than those with plain stitches. The relationships between shear displacement and dilation of the various specimens are plotted in Figure 9. For the specimens with plain stitch, dilation is relatively insignificant compared to the dilation in the specimens with keyed stitch. The stress in the tendon can be increased due to dilation. The effect of dilation on tendon stress is rather insignificant for a segmental bridge with unbonded tendon because the strain increase due to dilation will be averaged along the entire length of tendon between end anchorages. However, for segmental bridges prestr essed by bonded tendon, dilation may cause substantial increase in strain at the location of the stitch, which can potentially overstress the tendon. Specimens with stitch prestressed by bonded tendon will be tested in the near future and the effect of dilation on tendon stress will be investigated in due course. CONCLUSIONS Extensive experimental studies have been carried out to investigate the behaviour of in-situ concrete stitches subject to a combination of internal forces and subject to direct shear by conducting a series of loading tests on the beam specimens and shear specimens respectively. Detailed coverage on the setup of the specimens and load testing has been included in this paper. Based on the results of the tests conducted so far, several preliminary conclusions can be drawn: The width of plain in-situ concrete stitch does not appear to have significant effect on the peak-load carrying capacity of the stitch regardless of the combination of internal forces that it is subjected to. The strength of the in-situ concrete stitch is strongly influenced by the level of prestressing applied and the strength of the stitch increases as the level of prestressing increases. For plain in-situ concrete stitches, failure occurs along the construction joint. Strength in the stitch is still present beyond the peak strength and it is mainly contributed by the frictional force from the sliding between the surfaces of precast unit and stitch. By providing shear keys to the concrete stitch, the level of prestressing can be reduced to achieve the same strength as those stitches without key. However, this may result in a brittle failure. For keyed concrete stitches, the amount of dilation is significantly higher than that of plain stitches. For segmental bridges prestressed by bonded tendon, this may have marked effect on the stresses of the tendons. With further testing on the specimens being carried out in the near future, it is expected that more definitive conclusions can be drawn on the behaviour of the in-situ concrete stitches. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The study undertaken is supported by Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (RGC Project No. HKU 710207E).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Continuing Personal and Professional Development Essay
In this paper I shall endeavour to critically reflect on my own approach to professional and personal development by commenting and / or exemplifying each of the highlighted criteria below. 1. Complete own individual learning plan including: a) C.V ââ¬â please see appendix 1 . b) Skills and knowledge audits ââ¬â please see appendix 2,3,4. c) Analysis of observation report ââ¬â please see appendix 5. 1. 3.1. Evaluate own approaches, strengths and development needs, including literacy, language and numeracy skills. In order to evaluate ones own strengths and weaknesses in teaching and tutoring one must carry a reasonable understanding of the fundamental requirements. Following a process of study and extensive analysis of appendixes 6,7,8,9, my own development needs are most clearly in the areas of stress management, updating of Literacy and numeracy skills. Review of my reflections ( see appendix 10) demonstrates the need for more effective stress management strategies to be put into place as the notes show clearly defined moments of stress due to the previous lack of organisation and staff rotation, as well as the fact that I am the only teacher in the Child development department and therefore Head of department, position which brings with it extra responsibilities such as budgeting and administrative duties that teachers would not ordinarily have to take responsibility for. Although my Job description does not mention these extra responsibilities I have undertaken the duties and intend to enter into discussions with the Personnel Manager regarding an increment in remuneration and more importantly further training relating to budget management and SLT training as my role requires. My literacy skills have not been updated for three years therefore there is a requirement that this updating should be undertaken; the same applies to mathematics and ICT as shown in the review of standards of adult literacy, mathematics and ICT, according to LLUK (online) ââ¬Å"The three levels of the standards correspond to the levels of demand of qualifications in the national qualifications framework.â⬠For example, the standards at level 1 are equivalent in demand to the key skills at level 1 and broadly equivalent to levels 4 and 5 of the national curriculum for schools. The regular updating of these skills is of paramount importance for the teacher as shortfalls in these functional skills areas will without a doubt adversely affect the students and their relationship with the tutor(due to the students seeing the teacher as a role model); much apart from this being a requirement within the LLUK standards. The opportunity for such study must be prioritized and time made to train; in my areas of specialism (hairdressing and child development), regular training is especially important as the subjects are ever evolving and changing both technically and in terms of legislation; a minimum of thirty hours technical training and thirty hours other CPD are required for hairdressing and nineteen hours in child development; as mentioned in the review by LLUK , ââ¬Å"Teachers and trainers need opportunities to undertake CPD targeted at keeping up to date or increasing the breadth of their experience in subject specialismââ¬â¢s and related fields. Workââ¬âshadowing and subject specialist communities of practice are increasingly important; time to undertake professional formation and gain QTLS or ATLS also important.â⬠1. 3.2. Use reflection and feedback to develop knowledge, practice and skills including literacy, language, numeracy and ICT skills. Continuing Professional Development has existed in many guises for twenty years or more with the aim of providing the professional with a platform on which to think about and plan their own development; in this way it may be considered a process of evidencing reflective practices, a way to improve general and area specific skills for career management. As mentioned above there is a need as well as a legal requirement for my Literacy and numeracy skills to be updated and retested as these have not been revisited for more than three years. Please see reflections in appendix 10. There are extensive guidelines and examples for recording reflections for CPD on the LSIS website that I have used as a basis for my reflective practices and due to the fact that they are to a recognised standard and could be used with ease for registering CPD. 1. 3.3. Plan appropriate opportunities to address identified learning needs. In planning opportunities to address shortfalls in professional practice one must take into consideration several influencing factors: a) Urgency ââ¬â The need for immediate updating of a certain skill when affecting efficiency of teaching therefore affecting studentsââ¬â¢ ability to learn. In this case the teacher must update the skills as soon as possible. b) Time availability (not affecting contact time) c) Funding ââ¬â will the course of training be free (through mentoring, shadowing or observation of a senior teacher); will the workplace fund the course or will this be funded by the teacher in both cases a suitably priced course is to be found. d) Changes in legislation and techniques ââ¬â The need would be immediate as information passed to students regarding legislation may be erroneous and antiquated techniques will impair the ability of the student obtaining employment. Changes in legislation can occur several times in a short period of time; therefore it is advisable to keep up-to-date with these changes through the media, published government papers, subject specific publications and the internet. These forms of updating knowledge are easy to access and training can be undertaken at leisure. Advancements in techniques however are more difficult to learn and will require a course or demonstration, thus requiring a dedicated amount of time and funding, but usually less than a full review of a certain skill. e) Skills updating to maintain QTS/QTLS ââ¬â a review of literacy, numeracy and ICT skills is a requirement as is regular updating, all of the above must be taken into consideration. My ILP (see appendix 11) outlines planned opportunities for learning opportunities. 2. 2.1. Analyse and compare relevant theories, principles and models of reflective practice. 2. 2.2. Explain how theories, principles and models of reflective practice can be applied to development of the autonomous learner. Reflecting allows the teacher to mentally process, analyse and utilize an experience to change or replicate an outcome. Using reflection enables the teacher to evolve in their teaching. David Berliner (2001) notes that the teacher develops in stages going from novice to expert. See figure 1.1 below: The first to introduce ideas of reflective practice was Donald Schon in his book ââ¬âThe Reflective Practice (1983) in which he uses John Dewys concepts of learning through experience, in tern loosely based on other theories of learning and development such as those of Jean Piaget, Kurt Lewin, William James ans Carl Jung, D.Schon also Reflection as defined by Donald Schon is the ability of professionals to ââ¬Ëthink what they are doing while they are doing itââ¬â¢. He states that the only way to manage the indeterminate zones of professional practice is through the ability to thinkâ⬠on the runâ⬠, and apply past experience to new situations. This is essential and requires the ability reflect-in-action. His words make sense to me, as I strive to be student-centred, compassionate, evidence-based, and cost effective all at the same time! Schon also offers insight into how the reflective professional is ââ¬Ëproducedââ¬â¢. He describes the main concepts as: Reflective Practicum. ââ¬Å"A practicum is a setting designed for the task of learning a practiceâ⬠. D.Schon (1983). This relates to students learning by doing, with the help of the teacher. He tells us the practicum is ââ¬Ëreflectiveââ¬â¢ in two senses: ââ¬Å"it is intended to help students become proficient in a kind of reflection-in-action; and, when it works well, it involves a dialogue of teacher and student that takes the form of reciprocal reflection-in-action.â⬠Argyris and Schon.(1978) Tacit knowledge This comes from the work of Michael Polanyi. He describes the ability we have to pick out a familiar face in a crowd, not requiring any thought, or a systematic analysis of features. We canââ¬â¢t say how this is done; therefore the knowledge is ââ¬Ëunspokenââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëtacitââ¬â¢. Knowing-in-action This is another of Schà ¶nââ¬â¢s concepts, and it derives from the idea of tacit knowledge. It refers to the kinds of knowledge we can only reveal in the way we carry out tasks and approach problems. ââ¬Å"The knowing is in the action. It is revealed by the skilful execution of the performance ââ¬â we are characteristically unable to make it verbally explicit.â⬠This tacit knowledge is derived from research, and also from the practitionerââ¬â¢s own reflections and experience. Reflection-in-action This kind of reflection occurs whilst a problem is being addressed, in what Schon calls the ââ¬Ëaction-presentââ¬â¢. It is a response to a surprise ââ¬â where the expected outcome is outside of our control. This reflective process is conscious, but may not be verbalised. Reflection-in-action is about challenging our assumptions (because knowing-in-action is the basis of assumption). It is about thinking again, in a new way, about a problem we have already encountered. Reflection-on-action This is reflection after the event. Consciously undertaken, and documented. Willing suspension of disbelief This phrase was originally used by Samuel Taylor Coleridge to describe the process of entering into an experience, without judgment, in order to learn from it. Schà ¶n uses the term in relation to the idea of learning by doing. ââ¬Å"One cannot will oneself to ââ¬Ëbelieveââ¬â¢ until one understands. But understanding often will only arise from experienceâ⬠D.Schon (1983).Therefore there is a necessity for the experience to happen. Operative attention This relates to the readiness to apply new information. This idea is partly derived from Wittgensteinââ¬â¢s5 contention that the meaning of an operation can only be learned through its performance. It prepares the learner for feedback on that activity, and develops understanding. The ladder of reflection Argyris and Schà ¶n describe a vertical dimension of analysis happening in the dialogue between learner and teacher. In order to climb the ââ¬Ëladderââ¬â¢ you must reflect on an activity. In order to move down the ââ¬Ëladderââ¬â¢ you move from reflection to experimentation. This being aââ¬â¢ ladderââ¬â¢ you can also reflect on the process of reflection. My view is that this process truly helps with modifyingââ¬Ëstuckââ¬â¢ situations. Moving up or down the ladder is not important as long as it assists Teacher and student to achieve together ââ¬Ëconvergence of meaningââ¬â¢. Kolb Kolbsââ¬â¢ theory and model is based on the concept that the teacher and student learn by experience and then transform information gathered into knowledge. Kolb was influenced by both Dewy and Piaget in the 1970ââ¬â¢s as were many other theories. Concrete Experience (doing / having an experience) The ââ¬ËConcrete Experienceââ¬â¢ is the ââ¬Ëdoingââ¬â¢ component which comes from the content and process of the teaching programme, experienced through reading of teaching materials together with actual experience of teaching in the classroom in addition to other teaching duties and practices. Concrete experience also derives from ones own experience of being a student. Reflective Observation (reviewing / reflecting on the experience) Reflective Observation relates to analysis and judgements of events and the discussion about the learning and teaching between teacher, mentor and colleagues.. Teachers naturally reflect on their experiences of teaching particularly when they are inexperienced and have experienced a lesson that did not progress well. This might be termed ââ¬Ëcommon-sense reflectionââ¬â¢. However how can this be analysed? ââ¬â It is necessary to articulate our reflections in some systematic way in order to remember thoughts and build on that experience for further reference. This may be done through self-reflections or evaluations after the event through keeping a log or journal. It may also include student feedback, peer observation of teaching. Reflection in itself is insufficient to promote learning and professional development. Unless acted upon, reflections alone with no action equal no development. Abstract Conceptualisation (concluding / learning from the experience) In order to plan what could be done differently next time, one must be informed by educational theory and advancement e.g. through CPD. Reflection is therefore a middle ground that brings together theories and the analysis of past experiences. It allows a conclusion referring to practice ââ¬â ââ¬ËAbstract Conceptualismââ¬â¢. Active Experimentation (planning / trying out what you have learned) The conclusions formed at the ââ¬ËAbstract Conceptualisationââ¬â¢ stage then form the basis for planned changes ââ¬â ââ¬ËActive Experimentationââ¬â¢. ââ¬ËActive Experimentationââ¬â¢ then starts the cycle again; in implementing changes in teaching practice one generates further concrete experience which in turn elicits reflection and rev iew to form conclusions referent to the effectiveness of those changes. In scrutinising Kolbsââ¬â¢ theory, model I note that it is largely dependent on ââ¬Ëtry and re-tryââ¬â¢ of the whole rather than the ââ¬Ëstep-by stepââ¬â¢ approach preferred by Argyris and Schon, the pitfalls are in the detection of small errors that lead to the whole inefficiency that could become overwhelming causing smaller detail may be overlooked. The effect of the above mentioned theories, models and principles amongst others is obvious in the reflective teacher and in my own practice; reflection is a fundamental part of my practice and Schonsââ¬â¢ Ladder of reflection is a simple way to quantify and analyse the advances and shortcomings of my practice, allowing for assessment and re-assessment of small parts of teaching to analysed and modified without drastically altering the majority of the content and delivery. 3. 4.1. Identify and engage in appropriate CPPD opportunities to keep up to date and develop teaching in specialist area. Continuous training in my specialist area is imperative as mentioned in 1. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3., also please see ILP appendix 11. 3. 4.2. Evaluate the impact of CPPD activities on professional practice, identifying further learning and development needs. The impact of CPPD on my own practice has been ââ¬Ëastronomicalââ¬â¢; the relevance of staff meetings and discussions has shown itself in every aspect of teaching, from the use of objective boards to clarify expectations for the achievement in the lesson, the benefits of clear behaviour expectations and the presence of a ââ¬Ëbehaviour ladder graphââ¬â¢ in the classroom has improved behaviour incrementally, the understanding of tracking procedures and other administrative tasks has been aided and supported during discussions with mentors and my professional development need for further training in certain asp ects of my skills in Beauty therapy in order to maintain an up-to-date knowledge of techniques has been highlighted. 3. 1.1. Analyse and compare different teaching roles and context in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Thanks to the shift in control of FE colleges from local authority control in 1992 there was a move towards market based education and therefore an increase in roles for teachers in the LLS In thinking about Lifelong teaching the varied roles of the teacher become clear; in this area the teacher workforce is diverse and includes: * Further education (FE) ââ¬â Teaching in colleges ââ¬â Lecturers in this setting tend to teach learners over the age of 16: unless teaching travel to learn students. * Adult and community education ââ¬â teaching in community settings such as teaching ESOL at a community centre. * 6th forms ââ¬â fundamentally continuing skills based education for learners who studied at GCSE level. * Offender learning ââ¬â teaching skills to inmates to aid rehabilitation, work-based learning ââ¬â teaching in house required skills. In comparing all of the above one can note that there seem to be recurrent similarities no matter in which setting the LLS teacher works such as : * Good communicators. * Good organisers. * Varied specialisms and often more than one. * A willingness to continue learning. Much apart from ââ¬Å"justâ⬠teaching/lecturing the role of the LLS teacher is extremely varied. A LLS teacher may be an assessor, an instructor, an apprentice supervisor, a prison education officer, learning manager or a community co-ordinator, as well as councillor and confidant; requiring a set of skills that may not be found in other areas of education. Furthermore teachers in LLS demonstrate the unique skills associated with their specialism as they often come to teaching as a second or third career. The diverse experience of the LLS teacher will contribute to efficacy when relating to other disciplines and in meeting the needs of the learners, using all of the communication skills learned in past careers. According to McGraw-Hill (online) ââ¬Å" As a teacher you will work across faculties and disciplines to meet the diverse needs of your learners. In order to do this effectively, communicating effectively is essential; this will include asking questions, seeking advice, and sharing your experiences with other practitioners.â⬠4.1.2. Evaluate own role and responsibilities with reference to area of specialism and as part of a team. Practices and in my two main areas of specialism differ vastly from each other. The hair and beauty area has assessments based mainly around observation and examination of end product, with little written assignment work. Within this department I work with another teacher in the same classroom with equal responsibility for lesson planning , delivery and assessment; our roles differ in that the other teacher has most of the responsibility for SOW and curriculum design with input form me. Within the Child Development, I have the headship and this carries responsibilities such as curriculum design and implementation as well as coordinating the work carried out by the TAs and the ââ¬Ënurtureââ¬â¢ department who deal with student with severe SEN (special educational needs), PD (physical disabilities) and BED(behavioural and emotional difficulties)- in our case an unusually high number of students display these barriers to learning ââ¬â , it is my responsibility to adapt our SOW and resources to enable these students to enjoy the same opportunities as our mainstream students. Also the responsibility for budgeting and allocation of ICT access is also within my remit. The ââ¬Ëusualââ¬â¢ teaching duties are included such as actual delivery, observation and marking, covering detentions and isolation dealing with further behavioural issues amongst other duties. 4.1.3 Analyse the impact of own beliefs, assumptions and behaviours on learners and others. The impact of my own beliefs is most obvious with my lack of compliance when asked if I could further facilitate the progression of a student, I felt that this would compromise my professional integrity and that basically any further intervention would constitute ââ¬Ëspoon feedingââ¬â¢ answers to this student, representing a disadvantage to other students that did not receive the same treatment. As for fundamental assumptions and beliefs; I have never liked to stereotype and assume therefore I do not demonstrate any bias and the students are affected very little if at all by these. My behaviour must be exemplary at all times, as a Teacher I represent a role model and as such I must conduct myself in an acceptable manner. Although I do not like confrontation and therefore an quick to notice any issues and aim to resolve them quickly. 4.1.4 Analyse the impact of own professional, personal, interpersonal skills, including literacy, numeracy and ICT skills, on learners and others. I am able to communicate with people at all levels well using appropriate language according to the situation and setting, I tend to portray a positive outlook and this affects both students and colleagues positively. My dyslexia does affect others as I require proof reading when issuing letters, reports and other documents but, there is a strategy in place for this. My students all know that I am dyslexic and are happy to point out any errors although these are very few, in some ways tis problem helps with connecting with some students as I teach in caring areas and students should have the ability to empathise with others as well as the obvious ease of connection with students with the same difficulty. Bibliography / References Boud, D., Keogh, R. and Walker, D. (1985) ââ¬Å"Reflection: Turning Experience in to Learningâ⬠, London: Kogan Brockbank, A. and McGill,I. (1998) ââ¬Å"Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher Educationâ⬠, Buckingham: SHRE/Open University Press Cowan,J. (1998) ââ¬Å"On Becoming an Innovative University Teacher Reflection in Actionâ⬠, Buckingham SRHE/ Open university Press. Dewy,J.(1993)â⬠How we think. A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative processâ⬠.(revised edition), Boston:D.C.Heath. Kolb,D.A. (1984) ââ¬ËExperiential Learning experience as a source of learning and developmentââ¬â¢, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Moon,J. (1999) ââ¬ËReflection in Learning and Professional Development Theory and Practiceââ¬â¢, London: Kogan Schon,D. (1991) ââ¬ËThe Reflective Practitioner How Professionals Think in Actionââ¬â¢, London: Avebury IfL-Review-of-CPD-. Available: Last accessed 28/12/12. Mc Graw-Hill.- Mc Graw-Hill-Available: Last accessed 29/12/12
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay - 948 Words
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President of The United States. He was more than just the Commander-in Chief to many. For those who admired him the most, he was not just their role model, he was also their hero. But, he was also the only Catholic to hold the highest office of the land. Many groups, especially the Protestants, were opposed to a Catholic president. They feared that the Vatican somehow would become involved in Americaââ¬â¢s matters, and the Constitution would be changed to make Catholicism the nationââ¬â¢s religion. John F. Kennedy need to show American votes that he could be loyal to both hi faith and the ideals of the Constitution. He worked hard to end religious intolerance and paved the way for future Catholic politicians toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Are we going to admit to the world-worse still, are we going to admit to ourselves that one third of the American people is forever barred from the White House,â⬠(qtd in John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum)? JFK dealt with religious issues by gathering together a net work of advisers including speech writers, the dean of the National Cathedral, and several journalists (John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum). Kennedy chose to enter the state primaries to prove that he could be elected there. He defeated Senator Hubert Humphrey in the Minnesota Primary by fifty-six percent of the vote, but did not win a majority of the Protestant vote (John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum). He entered the West Virginia Primary in which Catholics made up less than four percent of the electorate (John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum). In September of 1960, a group of one hundred fifty Protestant ministers sent Kennedy an invitation to address the greater Houston Ministerial Association (Denison). Kennedy gave a speech in which he pleaded for religious tolerance and restated his support for separation of Church and state (John F. Kennedy Presidential Libr ary and Museum). IN his speech, Kennedy state that, ââ¬Å"I want to emphasize from the outset that we have far more critical issues toShow MoreRelatedJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy And His Life1165 Words à |à 5 PagesWhat did John Fitzgerald Kennedy explore, encounter, and exchange during his life. President John Fitzgeraldà Kennedy went through a lot throughout his life. He was a mayor a Senateà and even president! On top of that he was in the military supporting our country. Let sà take a look at what he has explored. Explore, well John Fitzgerald Kennedy exploredà a lot of things here are some examples of what he explored. He served in the military during WW2. Heà exploredà the ocean on his boat with his crewRead MoreLife And Death Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay1413 Words à |à 6 Pages Life to Death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Hailee Barnwell Central High School Abstract John F. Kennedy lived a very hard, but famous life. In his life he batted many deaths and illnesses. He was in the navy, in congress, the Senate of the United States, and the 35th President. Even though most people think Mr. Kennedy lived a very easy and flowing life, they are all wrong. He struggled through life, but never let its show through to many people. While he struggled through allRead MoreProfiles in Courage by John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay1248 Words à |à 5 Pagesabout twelve thirty in the afternoon. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot while riding on his motorcade through Dealey Plaza downtown Dallas. It was a really bad day for Americans. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline Massachusetts on May twenty ninth nineteen seventeen. The Fitzgerald and the Kennedy families were prominent Irish Catholic families that lived in Boston. John Fitzgerald Kennedyââ¬â¢s maternal grandfather was John E. Fitzgerald his nickname was ââ¬Å"Honey Fitzâ⬠andRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy Essay1302 Words à |à 6 Pagesof America, John Fitzgerald Kennedy remains the youngest man ever elected to the office of Chief Executive, and the youngest man to die while still fulfilling his duties. Serving as Americas President, John F. Kennedy held his office for 1000 days, dying November 22nd, 1963, assassinated at the age of 46. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, the second son of nine children of the wealthy Roman Catholic Kennedy family. Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Kennedys fatherRead MoreJFK Leadership Profile Essay1135 Words à |à 5 Pagesentire nation. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President, who took office on January 20, 1961- but before that Kennedy was a World War II hero, a United States Senator, and published a book titled Profiles of Courage which won him a Pulitzer Prize ( John F. Kennedy possessed traits that allowed him to guide the country through three major geopolitical events that could have been disastrous if a lesser man was the leader of the free world. John Fitzgerald Kennedy went on toRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy Inaugural Address1099 Words à |à 5 Pagesbrighter than one of our own presidents. It was January 20, 1962 when John Fitzgerald Kennedy took stage to be the thirty-fifth president of the United States. Wr itten by Kennedy in late November of 1960, his inauguration speech goes to explain the various changes of the world as Kennedy campaigned to ââ¬Å"get the country moving again.â⬠His speech begins to address the differences of the generations as he wants to ââ¬Å"pass the torch.â⬠Kennedy expresses various ways of getting people together which he basesRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy Hero Essay1547 Words à |à 7 PagesJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy: A Deserving Hero ââ¬Å"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into realityâ⬠(Bennis). During his life, John F. Kennedy took his innovative and thoughtful ideas and brought them to life. Born on May 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, the Kennedys were a wealthy Irish-American family that was very involved with the politics of Massachusetts. Raised with a silver spoon in his mouth, Kennedy was the son of Joseph P. Kennedy, an American ambassador to Britain duringRead MoreWas The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy a Conspiracy?794 Words à |à 4 Pages Was The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy a Conspiracy? On November 22nd, 1963 at 12:30 p.m in Dallas, Texas, one of the most horrific events in American History took place. The assassination of John F. Kennedy. Crowds were cheering as JFK was on a ten mile route that would pass through Dallas, Texas. John Kennedy was in the back seat of a 1961 four door Lincoln Continental convertible when this tragic event occurred. The driver took a left off of Main street passing by the Texas SchoolRead MoreThe Life and Legacy of John F. Kennedy867 Words à |à 3 PagesJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy was born May 29, 1917 in Brookline Massachusetts. He was the second son born to Joseph Patrick and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. Despite being born into Bostonââ¬â¢s wealthy Irish population, the family was not accepted into the Bostonââ¬â¢s Protestant elite. This was due to the opinion of the Boston Brahmins, who perceived the Kennedyââ¬â¢s to still be mere Irish immigrants. Even though earlier relatives Thomas Fitzgerald and Patrick Kennedy emigrated from Ireland to Boston in 1845 and 1848Read MoreBrief Summary of John F. Kennedyà ´s Life1017 Words à |à 5 Pageshappen to be John Fitzgerald Kennedy of the United States of America. John Fitzgerald Kennedy very prosperous leader was his speeches that he gave to the american people and to the world trying to make the world a much higher quality place to live. He also asked the american people ââ¬Å"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.â⬠John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Ma. He was born into a very wealthy family the Fitzgerald and the Kennedyââ¬â¢s
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Fundamental International Charter For Human Rights
The topic of universal human rights is a complex and largely contested area of international relations. Though often highly regarded in ââ¬Å"Westernâ⬠states, the notion of individual rights is highly debatable in other parts of the world. In a struggle to reconcile regional traditions and world cultures, efforts to create implement a universally accepted charter of human rights have met many obstacles. Key issues including minority groups, gender, and the concept of individuality versus collectivism make up the many complicated shades of grey within this debate. To better understand the challenges that the concept of universal human rights faces, it is necessary to analyse the cultural, religious, and developmental dilemmas that jeopardise its legitimacy on a global scale. The foundational international charter for human rights is the United Nationââ¬â¢s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration adopted in 1948, contains thirty articles, listing the UNââ¬â¢s defined entitlements and rights of human beings. During the 1993 World Human Rights Conference, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, stressed that ââ¬Å"the universal nature of these rights and freedoms is beyond question.â⬠[1] Though it is lauded by many in the UN as universal, opposition is also widespread. The consensus of ââ¬Å"Westernâ⬠nations that human rights are universal has been heavily scrutinised by critics around the world. Such critics often pose the question of whether human rights can be surmised asShow MoreRelatedIs International Human Rights Activity? Essay1486 Words à |à 6 Pagescreation of fundamental human rights ââ¬â such as the Charter of the United Nations ââ¬â was an amicable one, the reality has given rise to anomalie s when dealing with nations that are outside the norm of accepted practices. This strains the concept of international human rights as it contests the concept of state sovereignty. This essay will argue that international human rights activity can be seen as a struggle to balance the competing claims of sovereignty and international human rights. While someRead MoreThe Earth Charter : A Declaration Of Fundamental Principles1460 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a safe, sustainable, and peaceful world. It strives to identify the critical challenges and choices facing humanity. The Earth Charter provides moral framework for the development of the emerging global civilization. It is designed to inspire people to have a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the humanity, life, and future generations. It is an urgent call for major social andRead MoreEu and the Fundamental Rights.. 1449 Words à |à 6 Pageshas expressed through treaty provision and case law that the protection of the fundamental rights of EC citizens is vitally important. However, the EC itself is not currently bound to a set of agreed fundamental rights. For years, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has respected and protected fundamental rights by considering the position of state constitutions and the terms of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Yet, the ECJ is not bound to follow these. It is not bound to the ECHRRead MoreThe Violation Of Human Rights1284 Words à |à 6 PagesViolation of Human Rights Table of Contents Page 1. Introduction 3 2. Relevance and value of human rights 3 3. Case studies 4 3.1 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 4 3.2 African Charter 5 3.3 Bill of Human Rights 7 4. Conclusion 7 5. Bibliography 8 1. Introduction Basic human rights are being violated every day all over the world. This includes each human beingââ¬â¢s fundamental rights, which are rights that come with being human. Most importantlyRead MoreHuman Rights Influence Administrative Law913 Words à |à 4 PagesHuman rights influence administrative law in number of different ways: First, administrators by a mere submission to the existing administrative law principles can protect and promote human rights. Government administrators are expected to set exemplary roles in the protection of human rights. By doing their job responsibly, administratorsââ¬â¢ can influence Australia in advancing its human rights record. Non fulfilment of the administrator to adhere with administrative law principle is as good as repudiatingRead MoreInternational Organizations And The International Organization Essay1518 Words à |à 7 Pages The international organizations plays a various roles that positively and negatively impact the global socio economic development of various nations. These are institutions that are set to uphold the values of certain agendas that are put out there for member nations to embark on in improving a nationââ¬â¢s socio economic development. Some of these agendas and charters do come with costs and these costs includes fines, punishments. It also has benefits, a benefit weaker and stronger nationsRead MoreHumanitarian Intervention Is An Unacceptable Assault On Sovereignty Essay804 Words à |à 4 Pagesviolations of human rights that offend every precept of our common humanity? Kofi Annan, Millennium Report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, 2000 With this citation the Secretary General of UN took the responsibility to support the humanitarian intervention. The defence of this principle and the realization of this task rely on the UNSC, the only authority accountable of the determination of any threats to the international peace as the article 39 of the UN Charter says: ââ¬Å"The SecurityRead MoreThe Western Libya Security Council Resolution997 Words à |à 4 Pagesregarding the use of force under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charterâ⬠prior to discussing the proposition a definition on the law regarding the use of force as provided by Chapter VII will be useful. Generally the prohibition of the use of force is a cornerstone upon which international law is built as the ICJ affirmed in the Armed Activities Case. This prohibition is contained in article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter (UNC) which provides that all members shall refrain from using the threatRead MoreHuman Rights Act 1998 ( Hra )1627 Words à |à 7 PagesHuman Rights Act 1998(HRA) gives effect to the convention in the UK law, it does this to reschedule one of the Acts. The statute is considered a constitutional importance since it has a major effect on the way that the statute interacts with its citizens. One of the major concerns that was around when the HRA 1998 was first passed, was what effect it would have on Parliamentary Sovereignty, to an extent it is a debate that it still ongoing when you consider the things like the interaction with theRead MoreHuman Rights And The Rights949 Words à |à 4 PagesHuman has many fundamental rights and freedoms to which all humans co nsidered entitled the right to life, liberty, freedom of thought and appearance, and equal treatment before the law, among others. These rights represent entitlements of the individual or the government, as well as responsibilities of the person and the government authoritiesââ¬â¢ these rights often advanced as legal rights and protected by the rule of law. However, they are distinct from and before the law, and can be used as standards
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